Mr Rob PollardOur Implant ProsthesistSEE WHAT ROB CAN DO
Comfortable DenturesSatisfaction GuaranteedSEE HOW WE CAN HELP
Dentures from Trusted Dental Technician Mr Rob Pollard
Comfortable & Natural Looking Dentures
At Dental Solutions West, we specialise in custom-made dentures to fit your individual requirements. For example, some patients like a crisp, ‘new smile’ look, while others prefer to look like they did before they required dentures. Whether you need partial or complete dentures, we have solutions that will fit your needs.
We provide several types of dentures, depending on your needs. From full dentures to partial dentures, we can restore your smile to its former glory. Dentures are an increasingly practical method to replace missing teeth, and with our knowledge and experience, you won’t know the difference between your dentures and natural teeth. Click the button below to learn more about our denture options.
West Auckland’s Specialist Denture Clinic
Our Henderson clinic isn’t just one of the best dental practices in West Auckland, it’s also a specialist denture clinic. Book your appointment today and see what makes us the top dental technicians in West Auckland.

Mr. Rob Pollard
Dip.Dent.Tech PGDCDT Otago
Implant Prosthesist
Rob Pollard is our resident Clinical Dental Technician. He has worked in this field for three decades. For the past 25 years, he has successfully owned and operated the Dental Solutions Ellerslie Clinic.
Rob has long enjoyed mixing science with art and has a great passion for his work. You can trust him to deliver natural looking dentures that will work comfortably for you.

Get in touch with Dental Solutions West
Fill out the form below, or contact us using these details:
Clinic: 09 836 6060
Mobile: 021 889 355
Email: dentalsolutions@xtra.co.nz