Emergency denture repairs? Call 021 889 355

67 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson. Call us today: 09 836 6060

Implant Dentures and Bridges

There are many different options available to you , from simple to complex.

Simple implants that really work

This is a regular denture that has been modified to accomodate two implants that will aid in the retention of the denture. Implant retained dentures are widely regarded as the most successful innovation in securing dentures that are not meeting expectation. The result is truly amazing, your self confidence will radically improve and you will be able to eat, laugh and sing without discomfort or embarrassment.

Upper Implants Dentures

Upper implant dentures are more complicated than lower dentures. The implant placement position is critical to prevent the denture becoming bulky and cumbersome while eating and talking. Planning and collaboration between the Surgeon and the Technician is essential. We have extensive experience with some of the country’s best Implant Surgeons.

Fixed implant bridges/structures

These are two case studies. The first is a provisional immediate implant bridge for the lower jaw. The procedure was performed in one day. The client was seen in the morning by a Surgeon and had 4 implants placed in the jaw. Immediatly after the surgery the original denture was modified to fit directly to the implants. The whole procedure was over in 5 hours and the client ate dinner that night without any problems. The soft tissues of the mouth were healed within a week allowing the client to clean the bridge with a toothbrush as if they were natural teeth.

The second case is a very complex case where the implants in the upper jaw needed to be splinted together for strength with a milled titanium bar. To this a denture is constructed to clip to the bar by little locating press studs. The result is very strong but the denture is required to be removed regularly for hygiene purposes.

Get in touch with Dental Solutions West

Fill out the form below, or contact us using these details:

Clinic: 09 836 6060
Mobile: 021 889 355
Email: dentalsolutions@xtra.co.nz

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